Linux Command Reference
This reference provides an overview of essential Linux commands for file management, process control, networking, system information, and more. It serves as a quick guide for both beginners and experienced users.
File and Directory Commands
Command |
Description |
ls |
List files and directories. |
cd <directory> |
Change the current directory. |
pwd |
Print the current working directory. |
mkdir <directory> |
Create a new directory. |
rmdir <directory> |
Remove an empty directory. |
rm <file> |
Delete a file. |
rm -r <directory> |
Recursively delete a directory and its contents. |
cp <source> <destination> |
Copy files or directories. |
mv <source> <destination> |
Move or rename files or directories. |
touch <file> |
Create an empty file or update the timestamp. |
cat <file> |
Display the contents of a file. |
less <file> |
View the contents of a file one page at a time. |
head <file> |
Display the first lines of a file. |
tail <file> |
Display the last lines of a file. |
find <path> -name <pattern> |
Search for files and directories by name. |
grep <pattern> <file> |
Search for patterns within files. |
File Permissions and Ownership
Command |
Description |
chmod <permissions> <file> |
Change the permissions of a file or directory. |
chown <owner> <file> |
Change the owner of a file or directory. |
chgrp <group> <file> |
Change the group ownership. |
umask <mask> |
Set default file creation permissions. |
Process Management
Command |
Description |
ps |
Display information about running processes. |
top |
Display real-time system statistics. |
htop |
An enhanced version of top (may require installation). |
kill <PID> |
Terminate a process by its PID. |
killall <process_name> |
Terminate all processes with the given name. |
bg |
Resume a suspended job in the background. |
fg |
Bring a background job to the foreground. |
jobs |
List current jobs. |
nice -n <priority> <command> |
Start a process with a given priority. |
renice <priority> -p <PID> |
Change the priority of an existing process. |
Networking Commands
Command |
Description |
ifconfig or ip addr |
Display network interface information. |
ping <host> |
Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. |
traceroute <host> |
Trace the route packets take to a network host. |
netstat -tuln |
List open ports and listening services. |
nslookup <domain> |
Query Internet name servers interactively. |
dig <domain> |
DNS lookup utility. |
ssh user@host |
Connect to a remote host securely. |
scp <source> <destination> |
Securely copy files between hosts. |
curl <url> |
Transfer data from or to a server. |
wget <url> |
Retrieve files from the web. |
System Information
Command |
Description |
uname -a |
Display system information. |
df -h |
Show disk space usage. |
du -sh <directory> |
Estimate file space usage. |
free -h |
Display memory usage. |
uptime |
Show how long the system has been running. |
who |
Show who is logged on. |
last |
Show last logged in users. |
history |
Show command history. |
man <command> |
Display the manual page for a command. |
info <command> |
Display info documentation. |
Package Management
Debian/Ubuntu-based Systems (using apt
Command |
Description |
sudo apt update |
Update package index. |
sudo apt upgrade |
Upgrade installed packages. |
sudo apt install <package> |
Install a package. |
sudo apt remove <package> |
Remove a package. |
sudo apt search <package> |
Search for a package. |
Red Hat/CentOS-based Systems (using yum
or dnf
Command |
Description |
sudo yum update |
Update packages. |
sudo yum install <package> |
Install a package. |
sudo yum remove <package> |
Remove a package. |
sudo yum search <package> |
Search for a package. |
Compression and Archiving
Command |
Description |
tar -cvf archive.tar <files> |
Create a tar archive. |
tar -xvf archive.tar |
Extract a tar archive. |
tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz <files> |
Create a compressed tar archive with gzip. |
tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz |
Extract a gzip compressed tar archive. |
zip <files> |
Create a zip archive. |
unzip |
Extract a zip archive. |
gzip <file> |
Compress a file with gzip. |
gunzip <file.gz> |
Decompress a gzip file. |
User and Group Management
Command |
Description |
sudo adduser <username> |
Add a new user. |
sudo passwd <username> |
Change a user's password. |
sudo deluser <username> |
Delete a user. |
sudo addgroup <groupname> |
Add a new group. |
sudo delgroup <groupname> |
Delete a group. |
sudo usermod -aG <group> <username> |
Add a user to a group. |
id <username> |
Display user identity. |
Disk Management
Command |
Description |
fdisk -l |
List disk partitions. |
mount <device> <mount_point> |
Mount a filesystem. |
umount <mount_point> |
Unmount a filesystem. |
df -h |
Report filesystem disk space usage. |
du -sh <directory> |
Estimate file space usage. |
fsck <device> |
Check and repair a filesystem. |
System Control and Shutdown
Command |
Description |
sudo shutdown -h now |
Shutdown the system immediately. |
sudo shutdown -r now |
Reboot the system immediately. |
sudo reboot |
Reboot the system. |
sudo systemctl start <service> |
Start a system service. |
sudo systemctl stop <service> |
Stop a system service. |
sudo systemctl restart <service> |
Restart a system service. |
sudo systemctl enable <service> |
Enable a service to start on boot. |
sudo systemctl disable <service> |
Disable a service from starting on boot. |
sudo systemctl status <service> |
Check the status of a service. |
Environment Variables and Shell
Command |
Description |
echo $VARIABLE |
Display the value of an environment variable. |
export VARIABLE=value |
Set or modify an environment variable. |
alias <name>='<command>' |
Create a shell alias. |
unalias <name> |
Remove a shell alias. |
env |
Display all environment variables. |
Text Processing
Command |
Description |
grep <pattern> <file> |
Search for a pattern in files. |
sed 's/old/new/g' <file> |
Replace text in a file using stream editor. |
awk '/pattern/ {action}' <file> |
Pattern scanning and processing language. |
sort <file> |
Sort lines of text files. |
uniq <file> |
Report or filter out repeated lines. |
diff <file1> <file2> |
Compare files line by line. |
wc <file> |
Print newline, word, and byte counts. |
tee <file> |
Read from standard input and write to standard output and files. |
Redirection and Pipes
Use redirection and pipes to control input and output:
- Redirect output to a file (overwrite).
- Redirect output to a file (append).
- Redirect input from a file.
- Pipe the output of one command as input to another.
- Redirect standard error to standard output.
# Redirect output to a file
ls -l > filelist.txt
# Append output to a file
echo "New line" >> file.txt
# Redirect error messages to a file
command 2> error.log
# Pipe output to another command
ps aux | grep apache
# Suppress output
command > /dev/null 2>&1
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